Generation utanför
Men det var inte det det här skulle handla om. Arbetslösheten hos unga. Hans Eriksson säger i dokumentären att regeringen tagit ett aktivt val att se till så att arbetslösheten hamnar hos de unga. Han säger att han hellre ser unga som är arbetslösa än äldre. Har han tänkt på att det är dessa unga som ska föra Sverige framåt? Har han tänkt på att utan dessa unga är Sverige ingenting? ALLA behövs, var inte ett partis slogan inför förra valet just "alla ska med"? Men inte alla, för dom unga är så få så dom gör ingen skillnad i valen. Speciellt eftersom hälften av dom inte röstat. Hmmmm, jag undrar varför? Kan det vara för att val efter val efter val efter val så bryr sig inte politikerna om dom? År efter år efter år efter år hör man hur ungdomarna ska hamna i fokus! Nu, NU är det eran tur! Men när det väl kommer till kritan är det ungdomarna som står där, utanför, arbetslösa. Och så kallas vi kräsna? Lata? Bortskämda? JAG FÖRSTÅR INTE!!!!!!!!!
Vi ska forslas ut i arbetslivet via dessa serviceyrken. Lidl, Ica, McDonalds, Max, Jensen Böfhaus etc etc etc etc. Där lär vi oss hur man beter sig på arbetsmarknaden. Vi förbereds för det verkliga livet. Betyder det att mitt jobb inte är viktigt? Är det bara en träningsplats på vägen mot den riktiga arbetsmarknaden? Någon sorts mellanting? Då är det ju okej om jag inte riktigt sköter mig, för det är ju inte på riktigt, eller hur? Eller tvärtom. Då är det klart att jag ska jobba tolv timmar om dagen utan rast. Då är det okej att jag jämt och ständigt är redo att komma in och jobba extra. För det är ju inte på riktigt, så vad spelar det för roll om jag blir utnyttjad? Men om jag inte presterar på mitt servicejobb för att jag har jobbat tio timmar i sträck utan lunch, efter att ha jobbat två veckor i sträck utan en ledig dag, då är det inte bara arbetsgivaren som blir arg. Nej, DU blir också arg. Du, som är kund hos vilken restaurang eller butik som helst. Om jag råkar ge dig fel mat. Om jag råkar be dig vänta några minuter extra på din mat. Om jag scannar in fel vara i kassan. Då blir DU arg. DU blir irriterad. DU undrar vad det är för fel på ungdomen. När dom fått jobb, ja då fortsätter dom vara totalt värdelösa. Klarar inte ens av ett simpelt servicejobb där allt dom behöver göra är att trycka på några knappar, ta emot lite pengar och lämna ut lite mat. Värdelösa ungdom.
Inte undra på att ni har en hel generation med depression, sömnsvårigheter och utanförskap. Vad händer när ni alla går i pension? Ni som är så duktiga och leder detta land som kallas VÅRT. Vad händer när ni 50 plussare som är så duktiga och sköter era jobb så bra och aldrig tar något för givet är klara på arbetsmarknaden? För jag kan lovar er, att när det sker, om sisådär tio tjugo år, då är min generation redan borta från arbetslivet. Sjukskrivningar upp över öronen, och dom där ungdomarna som inte spelade så stor roll för dom varken kostade eller bidrog med något. Dom blir helt plötsligt väldigt dyra för samhället. Går på bidrag. Och fortsätter kallas för lata och bortskämda. Kräsna. Dom kan inte ens bita ihop och acceptera ett vanligt jobb! Nä, dom gnäller på lite smärta i sina axlar, eller ångest på nätterna. Bit ihop! Var inte så klen!
Ja, vissa saker gör mig upprörd. Väldigt, väldigt upprörd. Så upprörd så jag skakade liv i den här gamla bloggen igen! Och jag ska inte ens börja tala om CSN och deras låga bidrag och spridning av fattigdom. Don't get me started... Generationsojämlikhet. Ett nytt ord för mig. Men tyvärr tror jag att det kommer finnas kvar i svenskan ett bra tag till.
Busy busy
In two weeks I'm in Mexico City with mum and dad =) I cannot wait. It's been waaaay too long if you ask me.
Movie? Read some Twilight? Or my road trip book... I want to read Harry Potter. I don't know why, but I really want to read them. Read them and just disappear into the wonderful world of Hogwarts. I'll do that this summer, when I get home to my wonderful bookshelf with all my books.
Still haven't heard back from Kilroy so I don't know what's going on with our flight home. And I haven't heard anything from work either. But I assume they now atleast know I'm interested in working this summer. Once I know exactly when I can work I'll send them another message and let them know. It's still very early.
In two months, on the 14th of May, this semester is over. That's when I have my final exam. And then no more Tec. And a few days later no more Gudalajara. No more Mexico. Time goes by so fast....
Spider bites and partials
And only one partial left!! Which is one essay and one exam. Then second partial is over! Finally! Seems like it's been going on forever.. Just want it to be over with!!
Why do they never get it?
Bush Sr.
W. Bush.
I don't get it. Seriously, can someone explain it to me? I thought we were supposed to learn from our mistakes? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't that something we get taught as children? Apparently not in America.
East Timor.
When did the most isolanist state in the world become the one that doesn't know how to stay out of other people's business'? I am not advocating dictatorships to be let alone. Or to let people suffer. But when did the US take on the role of moral guide? With their history, and track record, you'd think the world would have removed them from that role a loooong time ago. But no. I wonder, when Ford and Kissinger were planning on how to best overthrow the democratically elected Allende government in Chile, did they realise they were talking about PEOPLE? Did they think only in numbers, or did they know that the 'numbers' they were discussing were someone's daughter, son, grand mother, sister, brother, mother, father? What have made the great super power in the West into one of the most arrogant countries in the world? I know that they are not all like that. Of course they're not. Many, many Americans are amazing people with good values and ideas. BUT! Never the less, they did reelect Bush..... But then again, they did also elect Obama. Gave back a little hope to the rest of the world that they weren't completely lost.
I'm still wondering though when they will get it. When they will understand that they are digging their own grave. Seriously. They gave money to Iraq to fight Iran. They gave money to Iran to fight Iraq. They then gave support to Kuwait when Iraq invaded. They trained Usama Bin Laden. Usama Bin Laden attacks the US. Do they realise that by doing what they're doing they're not helping?
I'm sorry. I know I'm being harsh. But at some point we need to stop being afraid of insulting someone. We need to stop worrying about upsetting the big power in the West. Because if we're not careful, if Obama doesn't live up to all promises he has made (I'm still hoping, trust me), it's not only going to be US who is in trouble. Because our European states are too scared and too powerless to dare do anything that might upset the big one across the ocean.
Watch this youtube-clip. It's interesting. Watch the whole movie. Bowling for Columbine. I'm sorry to all my Americans friend, but I'm glad I'm European. (And to those American friends, please don't be insulted. I'm criticising your government(s), and maybe to some extent you for electing them. I do know people are different and that there's a lot of you and that you do not all share the same views!)
Three weeks and one day
1 out of 3 essays handed in.
1 out of 4 exams taken.
Nice to have them started. Means that they soon will be over. And once they are, the next ones are far, far away (20ish April). The exam today was easy. Very easy. So hopefully I did well :P It was super short and the answers were pretty straight forward. NEED to get a good mark though as I only got a 78 (70 is pass) for last partial... Oh well. Tomorrow it's Spanish... Scary.. HATE Spanish exams. Pure grammar. Never know what to expect. Never know what or how to study. So will probably look over my notes once more, and then call it for today.
The weekend will include:
Alice in Wonderland with Sarah.
Chilling on the rood with Sarah and anyone else who would like to join.
Some studying. Probably on the roof.
Gingerbread baking with my fellow Swede and listening to Winnerbäck and other classics.
Should be a nice weekend :)
The good feeling of hard work
Tomorrow it's Tuesday and a day of classes again. They're not that bad... And then it's gym. And then studying.
Wow. I'm actually getting things done and I can feel the pile getting smaller!! And I can feel the end of second partial getting closer and the easter break drawing nearer! Cannot wait!!! =)
And now. I'm done for the day! Almost ten o'clock and I'm going to watch Gilmore Girls without feeling the slightest guilty.
Making a list
Last night I went to Mandy's after spending a whole day studying in my room. Needed to get out of the house for a bit. We were supposed to study. She studied. I lay on her bed and read Lonely Planet. Which is something I need to do as well to plan my parents visist. And it was nice to lie there and read about it and know that soon they will be here and we will explore a new part of Mexico together. And I chatted a bit with Rosanna. And we bought ice cream. It was nice.
But yeah. Back to that list I guess....
The wonderful city of New York
We went to Times Square and were impressed and fascinated.
We strolled around in Central Park enjoying sunshine and snow.
We went to see Hair which was amazing.
We went over to Brookelyn at night to get to see the impressive skyline and the Brookelyn Bridge.
As two McDonalds employees, of course we had to visit McDonalds. The one by Times Square is worth a visit for the decor!
It was weird... It was 33 degrees AND snowing! America truly is a strange country...
When we went to see the Statue of Liberty we realised that she is lifting her foot.. Who knew...
Look how tiny she is! And there's something missing! Oh yeah, two giant towers....
We went to see the Tim Burton exhibition at MoMA which was pretty darn cool.
We got orders from our own private NY-tour guide (tack Sarah!) to take the Staten Island Ferry, so that we did!
I have to say it was a truly amazing week.
We had so much fun and we did not want to leave when time came.
But now I'm back in Gdl and it's back to business so to speak. But in five meeks mum and dad comes so that's the next focus! Today is a lazy day of doing laundry, fixing my photos and just relaxing. Quite nice I have to say...
And now the packing is done and early tomorrow morning we're taking me to the airport! And tormorrow at this point I'll most likely be sleeping. But I will be sleeping in New York, with Lina in the same room. Can't be much better than that =) I am so super excited, although I still can't really believe it. It seems so unreal that I actually will be talking to Lina tomorrow! TOMORROW!! Haven't seen her since July! We talk on Skype quite often, but it's obviously not the same. So I'm counting on many café visits and loooong fika's. And a lot of fun and just hanging out in New York.
The excitement is slowly seeping into my extremely tired body after this hectic week (of me miscolouring my hair so bad I had to go to the hair dresser and is no longer blonde, and of Benji breaking down and then starting again and then being taken to service, and partials of course). So yeah. I am tired. Extremely tired. But now that all is done. Including the packing (many thick sweaters), I am slowly setting my mind to 'vacation-mode' and starting to plan the coming week.
I'll get back to you in a week with awesome memories!
31 years
31 years since the Islamic Revolution.
Awareness needs to be spread.
The oppression is still present.
People are being persecuted for saying their opinion.
People are thrown in jail for demonstrating.
Amnesty has a campaign today for spreading awareness about the situation in Iran.
So talk about it! Write about it! Blog about it!
Scream about it.
Tell the world leaders about it.
Let people know what is going on!
I wish I knew what is going to happen
I don't know. It will work out, of course. It always does. It's just frustrating.
I'm sitting working on my essay for Lund. Actually going okay. But now I'm stuck so I decided to give it a rest. Am gonna look at my history notes for the exam tomorrow. Shouldn't be too hard. I hope.
I want this week to pass by. I want Saturday to come. I still can't believe it. Probably won't until I stand there face to face with her. Amazing.
When the sun is shining
It does mean though that I have a lot of work to do this week. But the essay for Tuesday is done. So that's taken care of. And now I have one essay left for Friday, and then exam on Tuesday and on Friday. And in addition I have an essay to write for the online class. It is due on the 19th, but since I will be in New York all that week I'll get it done before :D And it will be so worth all the work this week! Because on Saturday I will see Lina!!!!!!!! Whom I haven't seen since July!!!
I could not be happier =) The sun is back, the clouds are gone, and I'm taking off in just a weeks time.
I cannot stop laughing!
Half way through first partial...
And now I've just finished writing the first part of an essay that is due Tuesday, so I am officially taking Friday now! I'll go into Tec tomorrow and study hard. Essay due Tuesday, want to finish it tomorrow. Exam on Tuesday. Essay due Friday. Exam Friday. God. HATE partials!!!
But atleast the sunshine is back which means I can sit outside in the sun tomorrow at Tec!
Partial #1
And I have an exam on Thursday. In Spanish. And Spanish exam (actually me learning Spanish) on Friday. So I need to revise for those. And I need to write a museum report for Friday as well. And then next week I have one essay due on Tuesday and an essay or exam on Friday. I'm not quite sure... Don't really understand what the teacher is talking about. Will ask her on Friday. Would be stupid if I misunderstood the exam :P
And it's raining. And it's cold.
But as soon as I am done with this text (five pages A4) I will go to bed! No matter what time it is. So I better bite the bullet (or the sour apple as we say in Sweden) and get going.
When Mexico makes you angry
We drove off and screamed. Wondering what these people were thinking and what they possibly gained from the situation. They probably saw the opportunity to mess with some blondes. We also concluded that Kat, Malin and me shouldn't do things together. First the boat adventure in Belize. And now this. We are not a good combination.
I think this is one of the most absurd situations I have ever been in.