I wish I knew what is going to happen

The excitement is gone. Lately I've been really looking forward to going back to Nottingham when the summer is over. Been planning which classes to take, how I will go to the gym, and how nice it will be to live with the people I miss so much now. But now, I don't know. It doesn't seem to be turning out like I hoped. And now I don't feel like going back at all. I mean, I am looking forward to coming home. Definitely. And coming back to beautiful Nottingham campus. But I don't know anymore. I don't know what's going to happen. And it doesn't work like at home. That's the problem. In England, you either live in university accommodation, or you live in a house with several people. One or two, no. There's hardly anything available for that. And since the few people we know in England already seem to have their lives sorted we're stood empty handed.

I don't know. It will work out, of course. It always does. It's just frustrating.

I'm sitting working on my essay for Lund. Actually going okay. But now I'm stuck so I decided to give it a rest. Am gonna look at my history notes for the exam tomorrow. Shouldn't be too hard. I hope.

I want this week to pass by. I want Saturday to come. I still can't believe it. Probably won't until I stand there face to face with her. Amazing.


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