My Neighbor, My Killer

Anything new in the world today? I'm sure there is but since I am stuck with revision for upcoming exams (all though today has been a day away from the books, which was needed I can tell you!) I don't really have the energy to make myself aware of the world outside of uni. In other words I am stuck in the world of the UN, Rwanda, the foreign policy of the EU, the French Revolution, the revolutions in Europe of 1848, the socialist movement in Europe, Rousseau, Burke, Marx, Communism and so on. It's actually interesting stuff! Most of it...

Anyway. I recieved an e-mail today from Human Rights Watch about their film festival in New York. How I would have loved to go! But New York is unfortunately not on my travel agenda in the nearest future. I read about this movie they're showing. That's premiering on 20th of June. My Neighbor, My Killer. It's about Rwanda. But it doesn't seem to be the 'normal' Rwanda movie. It's not about the events of the genocide. Nor about the UN. It's about the people. It's about the people after the genocide. How they had to go on with their lives. How they now had to become neighbours again after these horrible events. Suddenly they had to coexist. It sounds amazing. I really, really, really want to see it. Thus I will keep it in the back of my mind for now and hope it will come to Sweden in the summer. Or atleast be out to buy in the future.

In the future I would love to have an area of expertise as it is called. I've always found the idea of knowing a lot about one specific topic enthralling. Fascinating. Being an expert on something. However. I have no idea how I would choose that. How do people do that? Luckily I have a few years left of university so I don't have to think about it yet. Atleast not on the detailed scale as I would like in the future. For now I'm happy with having the UN. And maybe some Hezbollah. Because they're fascinating.

This weekend I'm going to watch Shake hands with the devil. I feel that will inspire another entry about Rwanda and the UN.... It's too interesting, I can't just not write about it! Not an option :) 


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