We must not forget

20 years ago the student demostrations at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China took place. And at this day 20 years ago the same students were violently put to silence by the government. Today is a day to remember. A day when we have to remember to never forget. We, the people outside China, have the possibility to know what happened. We know. We can read about it. See pictures. The people in China can't. The parents of the students that were killed aren't allowed to talk about it. The survivors aren't permitted to discuss what happened to them. The Chinese government is trying to make them forget. And us as well. But we won't forget. We just won't.

Still no on one knows who the brave man facing the tanks were. What happened to him? No one knows...
Speak up. It is time to face the truth. For everyone.
Sign the Amnesty petition.
Stand up for our rights.


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