Guantánamo, a new viewpoint, at least for me.

Everyone that knows me, knows of my standpoint in the question of Guantánamo. Today I recieved a link from my brother to an interview with Spc. Brandon Neely, former US Military Police. He was stationed at Guantánamo during its first 6 months in 2002. He gives a clear, horrble picture of life at the detainee camp. Not only the horrible situation of the detainees, but also the horrible situation of the people working there. i believe Guantánamo is a clear example of the Luficer Effect (good people do evil things in evil environments) and the Stanford Obedience Experiment (good people do evil things when authority figures tell them to). Many of the men working there are far from evil. They were manipulated into believing certain things, and in some respects they are just as much victims as the detainees. Not all of them. Because as Spc. Neely describes there were soldiers that would intentionally put on hand cuffs harder than instructed. There were doctors that would laugh their 'paitents' right into their faces while they conduct some painful treatment. How can a DOCTOR do that? I think that was what caught my mind the most while reading the interview. I've always seen doctors as helpers. They are doctors to save lifes and to make life easier and less painful. To get rid of pain, not inflict it. I admit, I am very quick in judging sometimes. I have never thought of the men stationed in Guantánamo as victims before. But we all are, the world as it looks today. We are all victims. Victims to the former US government and their manipulation into making people believe that everyone is a potential terrorist. They have had help, definitely. But I would still like to see George Bush and Dick Cheney held responsible for their actions. So many have suffered due to their choices, their decisions. The world has far from become a better place sine they started their 'crusades' around the world.

I encourage you to read the interview. It is insightful and necessary. We need all sides of the story,.


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